Monday, March 3, 2008

New "Job"

Last Sunday I was asked to work in the nursery. I am excited. I actually just thought to myself that I either wanted to teach again (in any capacity) or be in the nursery. The funny thing is that Carmen dismissed me from nursery to go to class. "You go class, momma." Just when she can have me there, she doesn't want me. Go figure.


Mama Mia said...

Thank you for accepting the call we are all excited to have you in the never have to tell me twice that you would like to serve! You are a blessing to me, Sister Wilcox, Sister Smith, and all the Children!

Beckie said...

You will do great in there. You three are going to make an awesome bunch of teachers.

Barbies Blog said...

We all know how much you love children so that is right up your alley. You'll be great! :)

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

Hmmm - mind putting the word in for me with my Bishop. I said "I want to work in nursery" and the next thing I knew they called me to be YW president! :-)

Congrats - you'll be awesome.

Heidi A said...

I was just catching up on your blog and I really enjoy it! Kids are the cutest. Thanks for letting us come play today!

Bekah said...

Isn't that how it always is? You finally are there for them and they don't want you! I found your blog through Mia's.

Heather said...

Okay so I found your blog through Bekahs and it is so cute. I love it. You are going to be just perfect in the nursery. I could never do it because I just don't have the patience!!! I would scream like a crazy lady!!!!



Kaitlin and Archie came home with this surprise from the grocery store. Kaitlin REALLY wanted to give them to me. She is very sweet and thoughtful like that (and so is Archie to take her with him and let her do this). Tulips remind me of Seattle a lot. Every spring about two hours north of Seattle, there is a tulip festival we liked to see.


Did you two dress in the same colors on purpose?

Look Who Has Visited



This is Kaitlin (6 years old)

Isn't she precious

Isn't she precious
This is Carmen (2 years old)

Girls are great!

Girls are great!
Kaitlin holding Carmen as a baby

Kaitlin at age 4

Kaitlin at age 4
Sweet and cute, huh?