Monday, April 28, 2008

Kaitlin's Newest News

Kaitlin has started swimming lessons at the YMCA. She loves it. Check out the smile ;)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Quilt blocks for master bedroom

Here are a couple of my first blocks. Click on the picture to see the patterns better (and to see all my mistakes!).

So, here is the beginning of my quilt. I learned that Kristen is also doing one. We should all get together and have a quilting night some time.

On another note, see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It is fun. Beckie recommended it and now even Archie said not enough movies are made like this nowadays.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another milestone

Kaitlin had a dentist appointment yesterday and the dentist announced that she has a loose tooth. She has been telling me this for so long (because she REALLY wanted one) that I didn't even check the last few times to see if she was right. She is so excited. I am happy for her.

We really had a good time while Grandma and Grandpa were here. I started a quilt. Crazy. Mom always tried to teach me when I was young and I wouldn't listen. Now, I have the "bug" and she seems excited.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa Came for a Visit

Grandma and Grandpa came to see us this spring vacation. We were all excited to see them again, especially the girls. Yay! This is the girls and Grandma and Grandpa at the Nebraska Wildlife Safari.

Kaitlin and Carmen and Mommy by one of the Statues where you can get out of your car.

We asked Kaitlin what she liked best about the safari and she says the turtles. Of all the things you could say, she picks one of the most common things--it just figures!

Can you see the white bison? It is hiding, but it is there. We had a better picture of it but I accidentally deleted it. He, he. Don't tell Grandpa, it was his camera.

These are pronghorn antelope. The closest one is using the bush to get the fuzz off his antlers.

The male turkeys were displaying their feathers for the females. 'Tis spring!

I didn't know pelicans were indigenous to this area! (I don't think they are but feel free to correct me if anyone knows better).



Kaitlin and Archie came home with this surprise from the grocery store. Kaitlin REALLY wanted to give them to me. She is very sweet and thoughtful like that (and so is Archie to take her with him and let her do this). Tulips remind me of Seattle a lot. Every spring about two hours north of Seattle, there is a tulip festival we liked to see.


Did you two dress in the same colors on purpose?

Look Who Has Visited



This is Kaitlin (6 years old)

Isn't she precious

Isn't she precious
This is Carmen (2 years old)

Girls are great!

Girls are great!
Kaitlin holding Carmen as a baby

Kaitlin at age 4

Kaitlin at age 4
Sweet and cute, huh?