Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spring Craziness

Kaitlin had a Reader's Theatre for Kindergarten that was sooo cute. They did the book "Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that Type." She also had a field trip to a farm. She loved both. Everybody seems to be doing things that keep us busy. Plus I am finally trying to get a garden going and landscape the front of our house. Alix stayed with us and that was fun. It has all been good stuff but we are very busy. I forgot the camera for the Reader's Theatre (spelled it the artistic way on purpose) so I had a friend take pictures of Kaitlin. She did pretty well!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kaitlin's Shoes

Kaitlin made me laugh yesterday as I dropped her off at school. She stopped to show the Principal her shoes. It cracked me up and I wondered whether it was fun, at times, for the principal to see the things kids do. I later found out it that Kaitlin showed them because they were her "swimming shoes"-- Ones we bought so she could get them wet. She said, "I don't know why I got to wear my swimming shoes today." The principal said, "Maybe because they match!" She had a cute dress on that was the exact same color. I didn't get a picture of her in the dress, but I took a picture of the shoes, hehe. The dress is the same one as she has on with butterflies on it at the right with her Grandma (doing Grandma's hair).

Friday, May 16, 2008

Field Day, Etc.

So today was Field Day for kindergarten. Kaitlin was so excited she got me up an hour early and was telling me every day that I needed to remember sunscreen and shorts for her and no sugar in her sack lunch because it attracts bees. She rattled this off to me several times. I think she had a great time. I went and volunteered. Now she is going to a park with Archie. If I could just bottle that energy and ability to recover!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I got cards from Kaitlin and Carmen for Mother's day. Daddy said he had Carmen sign hers and she said the signature was a "rain drop".

Kaitlin made me a book at school. She had three pictures in it of herself wearing the same shirt. I wonder what made her think of having all three drawings wear the same shirt. Interesting, huh? She kept doing things for me for Mother's Day -- i.e. rubbing my shoulders, making pictures for me, etc. What a sweetie!

Archie got me some roses. Half of the proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House. We stayed there in Philadelphia when Kaitlin had her cancer so it means something to us. He was very excited. It was endearing. He also cooked us crab legs for dinner and planned the whole thing the day before. I know, I know, he's a keeper!
So, it was a great Mother's Day. I missed the children singing at church because both Kaitlin and Carmen were sick, however, Kaitlin sang me the songs by herself and I cried. It warmed my heart. I wish I had recorded it.



Kaitlin and Archie came home with this surprise from the grocery store. Kaitlin REALLY wanted to give them to me. She is very sweet and thoughtful like that (and so is Archie to take her with him and let her do this). Tulips remind me of Seattle a lot. Every spring about two hours north of Seattle, there is a tulip festival we liked to see.


Did you two dress in the same colors on purpose?

Look Who Has Visited



This is Kaitlin (6 years old)

Isn't she precious

Isn't she precious
This is Carmen (2 years old)

Girls are great!

Girls are great!
Kaitlin holding Carmen as a baby

Kaitlin at age 4

Kaitlin at age 4
Sweet and cute, huh?