Saturday, January 31, 2009

Losing Teeth

Kaitlin was late in losing her first tooth but she has made up time fast. She now has three missing teeth in the front. She is fascinated by her teeth. It is so funny -- like a little scientist -- asking what about this and that, etc.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Relay for Life Speech

I was asked to be the guest speaker for the Relay for Life Kickoff. It was a lot of fun. Kaitlin was able to add one or two lines and she really liked that. I got a standing ovation but I think that was more for our "story" of having a 3 year old with cancer and then me having it within a few years than for the quality of my speaking!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Photos promised earlier and "Kids say the Funniest Things"! Moment

I was taking Kaitlin and our neighbor boys to school this morning. Because of the snow, one bus was late and was making all the cars that were dropping off kids back up. We finally got in sight of the school and I asked them if they wanted to walk. I said they would probably get there faster and Kaitlin said, "Yes, and besides I was reading the Cheerios box this morning and it said that you should park your car further away from work and walk to lower your cholesterol and I'm going to lower mine!" I seriously laughed all the way home.

On another note, I am a speaker at the Relay for Life launch tomorrow night! AAAhhh, I am excited AND scared!!!

This is at the church Christmas Party. We had Mr. AND Mrs. Santa Clause this year.

Here are the girls on Christmas Day. Kaitlin is holding her new Webkinz Eagle. I have to say, though, that Miguel and Dori came through again this year with some of the favorite presents. They got Kaitlin a new game called "Scene It" with a Disney theme that the family has played over and over and Carmen got a Leapfrog First Computer that really gets played with a lot. I do not know how they do it! Good job, Miguel and Dori!

Here is a picture of Carmen with a large puzzle that she is really good at and loves to do.



Kaitlin and Archie came home with this surprise from the grocery store. Kaitlin REALLY wanted to give them to me. She is very sweet and thoughtful like that (and so is Archie to take her with him and let her do this). Tulips remind me of Seattle a lot. Every spring about two hours north of Seattle, there is a tulip festival we liked to see.


Did you two dress in the same colors on purpose?

Look Who Has Visited



This is Kaitlin (6 years old)

Isn't she precious

Isn't she precious
This is Carmen (2 years old)

Girls are great!

Girls are great!
Kaitlin holding Carmen as a baby

Kaitlin at age 4

Kaitlin at age 4
Sweet and cute, huh?