Monday, March 17, 2008

100 Things You May or May Not Know About Me

  1. The loves of my life are (not necessarily in order, but close): My relationship with God, my husband, my daughters, my extended family, friends, horses, nature...
  2. I like mournful, yearning music even though I feel happy inside, usually.
  3. I used to rock climb.
  4. I used to ride horses seriously (jumping, dressage, western, hunter seat equitation, etc.). I had a horse run away with me at the age of 8 and was still undaunted.
  5. I taught aerobics for over 10 years.
  6. I love the mountains and the sea (which is why Seattle was so great for me).
  7. I like politics. My husband and I have lively conversations about this. I am learning to keep quiet about it to other people.
  8. My best friend is my husband. We have a good time together when we aren't just doing the necessary things for life.
  9. My husband and I compete on some of the webkinz games in the evening, which has the added benefits of accumulating webkinz money for my daughter and seeing the happy look on her face.
  10. I am soooo happy to be a stay-at-home mom. Believe me, I have worked and there is nothing better.
  11. I got married when I was 34.
  12. I have lived all over the USA (Idaho, Utah, New Mexico, Virginia, Oregon, Washington, New York).
  13. I served a mission for my church in England.
  14. Most people in the USA have a belief in God, most people in England do not.
  15. I think that spending two years serving God is a great investment of time and a perfect "cause" for young adults.
  16. I am very competitive in volleyball.
  17. I love to find places in nature which are less known and are mini paradises. Usually you have to hike to find these.
  18. Archie and I registered at REI for our wedding (which is the equivalent, kind of, of Cabela's).
  19. I love to read and like being in a book club.
  20. I am a morning person.
  21. My husband is a night person.
  22. I always wanted to be a night person, but wake up somewhat early even after staying up late (i.e. sleeping in is hard for me).
  23. I could sleep in in college, but never later than 10:00 am.
  24. My favorite holidays were: 1) going to Disney World as a kid with my parents. We went to Disneyland several time but Disney World only once and got to go to the beach as well. 2) Going to the San Juan Islands with my husband. (We did this a few times and I loved it).
  25. My family took vacations to see historic landmarks and places while I was growing up. I didn't appreciate it until later.
  26. I also enjoyed camping with my family a lot.
  27. My biggest regret is not making it on a 50 mile hike with my Dad before it became impossible to do. I always thought there would be more time.
  28. Kaitlin and Carmen make me smile several times a day with the cute things they do.
  29. I have insomnia often now and so sometimes I CAN sleep in if Archie is taking care of the kids.
  30. I love music and have a large collection. I like many different types of music.
  31. I am jumpy and easily startled (like a thoroughbred, hehe).
  32. I adore my husband and children.
  33. My husband asked me while we were dating what I was looking for and I said, "to be adored."
  34. I prayed for wisdom about the age of 16, not realizing that wisdom comes through trials.
  35. Kaitlin had cancer (retinoblastoma of the eye) when she was 3 years old.
  36. I had Hodgkins Lymphoma last year.
  37. We have no family history of cancer.
  38. My husband is one of the smartest people I know, but I am biased. This was one of the things that made him attractive to me (besides his good looks and personality).
  39. I used to think I was pretty smart.
  40. I never had a sunburn until college when I got the brilliant idea of suntanning a stomach that had always had one piece swim suits covering it.
  41. I always thought (before #40) that people were exaggerating about sun burns.
  42. My most embarrassing moment involved a church youth group waterskiing party. You can fill in the blanks.
  43. I have always been able to spell well.
  44. I had great skin when I was younger (i.e. never burned, smooth, suntanned easily). I liked my skin.
  45. I never looked good with long hair except as a child. I cut my hair after my mission to the protest of a couple of guys who later admitted I looked better with short hair.
  46. I always wanted long beautiful hair.
  47. I had a third grade teacher tell me my handwriting was terrible so I practiced and practiced until I had good handwriting. Now I can even do calligraphy.
  48. Two of my favorite companions on my mission were from Portugal and Italy. I still keep in touch with them, but they are the only ones with whom I am in touch.
  49. I had to change the sentence above because ending with a preposition bugged me. (It did say "they are the only ones I am in touch with" before I changed it.)
  50. I am not very crafty (meaning not good at doing crafts).
  51. I went through a pastel phase in college followed by a goth phase.
  52. I enjoy vegetables without salt and without anything like butter on them.
  53. I used to eat Quaker oats right out of the cannister. I don't do this anymore but I still like them that way.
  54. I like bread -- especially good bread -- a LOT.
  55. I like eating healthy.
  56. Except that I like chocolate but not just any chocolate. I am picky about chocolate now that I lived in England and can taste the difference.
  57. I don't like desserts very much, usually, unless they contain chocolate (or ice cream).
  58. I went 6 months or more without ice cream because I can't afford to eat it (calorie-wise).
  59. I haven't been able to go 6 months without chocolate.
  60. I didn't want to go on a mission but God had a cannon against my pea shooter. Guess who won.
  61. It was the best decision I didn't entirely make on my own.
  62. I loved standing on a hill with my Italian companion (probably waiting for a bus after the day was over) in the brisk cold in England and letting the wind whip through my hair against my face. She liked it two and we relished it together. There was something wild, mystical and calming about it.
  63. My trainee (greenie) was from Portugal and was one of my favorites. She's the one with whom I keep in touch.
  64. I worked with horses in New York who were jumpers. Many of the horses were famous in the horse world. The barn was exceptionally clean and used to be owned by Paul Newman.
  65. I am related to someone mentioned in the Doctrine and Covenants. The twins adopted by Joseph Smith were my relatives.
  66. I enjoy science. I feel I am a scientist at heart.
  67. I enjoy math.
  68. I enjoy physics. I once studied for a physics final and was so engrossed that my room mates having a "finals over" party for themselves didn't bother me, much.
  69. I enjoy English and took Shakespeare for fun.
  70. My sister, Pix, took Calculus for fun and killed the curve for people who "had to" take the class. There were a few who weren't too happy with her. She is now a Speech Therapist with two children.
  71. My other sister has 7 children. Her name is Debra and all she wanted to do was be a mommy. I thought she was crazy at the time but now I think she had it right.
  72. My youngest sister lives in California and has a husband in the Bishopric. She has her hands full with 4 children. Three boys and one girl. Oh, and two dogs.
  73. I have great respect for many cultures and people.
  74. I like to REALLY get to know people and love them more for their imperfections and humanity. I usually have more respect for someone once I know their imperfections and complexities.
  75. I used to go talk to the homeless people on the docks in Seattle (in the safer areas). I learned a lot from those experiences. I was with a guy that was really confident and knew where not to go.
  76. I have three friends in Seattle that I still keep in touch with (ouch there's that ending preposition!). They are Michelle, Rebecca, and Ashley. They are dear to my heart.
  77. I am a partial tree hugging, dirt chomping, ecco-sissy. Yep, I admit it gladly.
  78. I used to be in great shape. I skied all day once then came back an taught aerobics that night.
  79. Oh yeah, I like to ski (snow).
  80. I dated a ski instructor in college.
  81. I also dated someone on the diving team.
  82. College seems a lifetime ago.
  83. I caught my husband with a black velvet dress. He wasn't interested before because I had always been in "weekend warrior garb".
  84. Actually, when Archie and I met, both of us weren't interested. He had just come home from a mission and I just thought of him as a little RM returnee and he thought I had a chip on my shoulder (Actually, at that moment, I did. I had just been left alone with him because my friend wanted to set us up and then took off somewhere. I wasn't happy about the set-up and being stranded).
  85. The song on this blog "The Dance" refers to Kaitlin and my cancers. I am glad I didn't know these would happen but still feel some huge blessings and wisdom came from them. Not that I would wish it upon anyone else, believe me.
  86. A new friend helped me in ways she doesn't fully realize. She talked about Kaitlin's cancer being her "story" and that opened up a whole new understanding for me as well as personal revelation.
  87. The song on my blog by Sting is politically based on a true incident, (They Dance Alone). It is about mothers, sister, wives, etc. dancing with pictures of dead sons, husbands, brothers, etc. in a nonviolent protest because they died in war. (My one political statement I had to work in somehow).
  88. After I graduated from college I traveled to New York on by own to follow my dream of working with horses. A few months later, after they were not fulfilling their end of the bargain I traveled back to Seattle by myself. I loved it.
  89. My favorite color is black, although you can argue that that is all color or absence of color depending on your point of view. That's partially why I like it. The other reason is that black horses were my favorite.
  90. My next favorite color is red because when playing children's games, Kaitlin would choose blue (that WAS her favorite color), and she would give Daddy green because that was his favorite. I would take red or yellow so she decided red was my favorite and it was so cute it stuck on me.
  91. Now her favorite color is pink and she chooses red because its closest. So guess what? My new favorite color is blue because I am sad she doesn't like it anymore. She asked me what my favorite color is and I told her black so she is respectful of this and tells me I like black and then blue.
  92. Before I had a child, I hadn't thought about my favorite color for over 10 years. Funny.
  93. I just recently rediscovered the pleasure of stretching in the morning while watching my children do it. I had just been jumping out of bed at the last moment for too many years.
  94. I enjoy working out and want to get back in shape.
  95. The most beautiful song is the one you hear with your husband singing with your two daughters, even if the little one is off key and with her own tempo.
  96. I'm an insomniac. It drives me crazy sometimes.
  97. I think my kids are the cutest although I love kids and think them all beautiful.
  98. I used to think kids were just a responsibility before I had them. Stack this up to being the oldest of four girls and having to watch out for them.
  99. I used to have nightmares where some disaster would happen and I would have to get my three younger sisters to safety, when I was a kid.
  100. I am a true "mother hen", using Archie's terminology. I only feel truly at peace when my whole family is home with me. I think it's not entirely appropriate of a term since it includes Archie and I don't think of him as a child.


Beckie said...

I LOVE this list. You are very thoughtful. I love the description you use. You have a way with should add that to your list.

100. I am eloquent

Beckie said...

I love your music too!

Heather said...

I am not sure if you got this from my blog or somewhere else but I am glad you did it. It is fun huh?

Bekah said...

That was a very interesting read. I never knew I had so many little things in common with you besides the "Seattle" thing...but then again, maybe there are so many commonalities because of Seattle. I don't know.

I didn't notice Kaitlin's eye until this past Sunday. I think I always saw her gorgeous long eyelashes and never noticed her right eye. I did not know she had cancer. Did that help prepare you in any way? I only ask because a friend I had in college actually died from cancer shortly after we graduated. She had no idea that it had invaded her whole body and when I was talking to her right before she died she told me that all the time in nursing school and dealing with her own daughter's cancer she thought she was preparing herself to help others but now she realized she had been preparing to help herself, so she wouldn't be so scared. It was a really interesting perspective.

Dori said...

Oh Rayette, thank you for this list! I think I have learned more about you today than in all the years I've known you. This page is like a warm summer day. Thanks so much for inviting me to share it.

Tina said...

Hi Rayette !
I absolutely loved your blog, specially the 100 things about you.
I was very happy that you mentioned me!
I may start my own blog because of you.
65 - really - related to the twins Joseph Smith adopted ? Uau!

94 - I also desperately want to get back to my skinny self. If you find any useful tips, please share.



Kaitlin and Archie came home with this surprise from the grocery store. Kaitlin REALLY wanted to give them to me. She is very sweet and thoughtful like that (and so is Archie to take her with him and let her do this). Tulips remind me of Seattle a lot. Every spring about two hours north of Seattle, there is a tulip festival we liked to see.


Did you two dress in the same colors on purpose?

Look Who Has Visited



This is Kaitlin (6 years old)

Isn't she precious

Isn't she precious
This is Carmen (2 years old)

Girls are great!

Girls are great!
Kaitlin holding Carmen as a baby

Kaitlin at age 4

Kaitlin at age 4
Sweet and cute, huh?