Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Spirit

I have to say I had a lot of the Christmas Spirit this year. We had some friends over for Christmas and it was great. There was a lot of work but worth it. I can't find my camera but the girls were really cute Christmas morning. They got excited about so many things.

I did not get a picture of my house all lit up for Christmas and because the day after was 53 degrees Fahrenheit, I have taken it all down. I didn't want to do it with cold fingers! I was happy to have an unusually warm day after Christmas, though. The problem is that it looks so bleak around here in the winter when there is no snow to make it beautiful.

On a side note, Archie and I celebrated our tenth anniversary this year. I cannot believe it has passed so quickly. People who knew us apart couldn't see us as compatible until they saw us together, then they said we just "fit". This is true. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. Life just works out sometimes.

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Kaitlin and Archie came home with this surprise from the grocery store. Kaitlin REALLY wanted to give them to me. She is very sweet and thoughtful like that (and so is Archie to take her with him and let her do this). Tulips remind me of Seattle a lot. Every spring about two hours north of Seattle, there is a tulip festival we liked to see.


Did you two dress in the same colors on purpose?

Look Who Has Visited



This is Kaitlin (6 years old)

Isn't she precious

Isn't she precious
This is Carmen (2 years old)

Girls are great!

Girls are great!
Kaitlin holding Carmen as a baby

Kaitlin at age 4

Kaitlin at age 4
Sweet and cute, huh?